Thursday, September 6, 2007

Still holding on for now...

Cassidy's condition has been back and forth since the last posting. Chemo has finally started on August 23 and CaCa responded well with very minimal side effects. Praise God for that.

Cassidy's surgeon was predicting that the next surgery will be to amputate due to the massive non-recovering damaged tissue in her lower leg. Please continue to pray for her leg to heal and for God to perform a miracle on Cassidy if God is willing.

Cassidy's platelet counts are very low and she is receiving blood product from transfusion almost every evening. Please pray that her body stays strong to endure all the medication and to grow even stronger as she will soon face another big surgery.

Carmen is suffering from a very bad flu and needs to stay away from Cassidy. But CaCa is missing mommy very much and wants mommy to stay with her over night at the hospital. Please pray for quick recovery on Carmen so she can take up her shift to stay with CaCa again. Also pray for Andy to remain healthy to take care of work, home, and Cassidy at the hospital.

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